One&Co | Mindful Connections: Tea gathering event, “OneTable” hosted by One&Co

Mindful Connections: Tea gathering event, “OneTable” hosted by One&Co

We’re excited to share that our initiative to celebrate the art of tea-making has been a resounding success at One&Co. Embracing the philosophy of “一期一会” or “one encounter, one opportunity,” our monthly tea sessions have become a sanctuary for mindfulness and connection.

At these gatherings, participants immerse themselves in the tranquil process of tea preparation, experiencing the profound serenity and intentionality that comes with each cup. It’s more than just brewing tea; it’s about cultivating a moment of peace in our busy lives.

The response from our community has been overwhelmingly positive, especially among business professionals seeking a reprieve from their fast-paced environments. The tea ceremony has offered them not only a chance to relax and refresh but also to acquire practical knowledge that can be applied in their professional lives. Moreover, it has become a space where values are contemplated and refined.

Through the simple act of sharing tea, we’ve witnessed the blossoming of new connections and meaningful encounters. It’s a testament to the power of coming together in a moment of calm and reflection. We look forward to continuing this cherished tradition and fostering more unique moments at One&Co.

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