One&Co | Calling for corporate partners to participate in our first beta-test of iDovatar, an online platform enabling voice communication in phygital* spaces.

Calling for corporate partners to participate in our first beta-test of iDovatar, an online platform enabling voice communication in phygital* spaces.

*Phygital is a word blend used to describe the integration of the digital and physical world, and that which provides a unique interactive experience for the user.

One&Co Member Collaboration “iDovatar” by dotD × GAOGAO × JR EAST

Over the last 10 months, dotD APAC Pte Ltd (Singapore, CEO: Tsubasa Sasaki), a business creation firm, has been developing the iDovatar prototypes in collaboration with GAOGAO Pte Ltd, co-working space One&Co, established by East Japan Railway Company (JR EAST). The joint project aimed to explore possibilities for real-time communication in a phygital space using voice technology and avatars.

As we kick-off the next stage of the iDovatar project, we are calling for interested corporate partners to join us in experiencing the beta version of the platform from April 1, 2021. This is the first time iDovatar is made open to external users outside of One&Co. For more information about “iDovatar”, please refer to the following link.
A PHYGITAL office experiment — “IDOVATAR”. Bringing greater business opportunities digitally.

Who we are looking for
Eligible participants would ideally be enterprises (up to five) consisting of 10 or more team members with the following interests: 

Scenario 1 : Office usage
・Fostering teamwork without having to head into the office
・Creating serendipitous encounters in the course of daily work (which may seem futile at first glance).
・Being keen to chat and exchange ideas with others.

Scenario 2 : Commercial usage
・Sales at phygital commercial facilities, shopping malls and stores that extend the real world
・Participating in Hokkaido product exhibition in Tokyo (for use as an event)

Interested parties should contact us with the following URL. 
Project. iDobatar

We will be in touch shortly thereafter to discuss if you are suitable for this beta-test of iDovatar.