One&Co | OneDotAce|Japan Market Insight Series #01:Why Japan?
Events Webinar

OneDotAce|Japan Market Insight Series #01:Why Japan?

Join us in our first session where we look at the trends and opportunities in the Japan startup scene.

Hear from JETRO, Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Accenture in this session, and pose them your questions!Register your interest via this link:…/tJEtfuGoqjstHNYmPIWoqRvyFwj2dBHFS4rs

In our first session, we open with an overview of the opportunities that are available in Japan.This will follow with a short sharing by professionals with expertise in the area and close off with an open round of Q&A.

Hear about the key industries in different prefectures and the policies that governments have put in place for the respective startup ecosystems to prosper. Bring your questions, ask our experts! OneDotAce is a series of monthly market insight sessions for startups and companies keen to explore the Japanese market. Each session focuses on a different sector of Japan’s tech scene and includes a dynamic Q&A session with the speakers.

OneDotAce is a series of monthly market insight sessions for startups and companies keen to explore the Japanese market. Co-organised by One&Co, ACE (Action Community for Entrepreneurship), and dotD, OneDotAce hopes to highlight Japan as a potentially attractive market, and support local startups by providing market trends and insights into the Japanese economy.

With everyone being affected by COVID-19, economies around the world has become more complex. We at One&Co, together with our partners, dotD APAC and ACE, have put together this Japan Market Insight Series in order to shed some light on this vibrant and constantly changing market.

OneDotAce is a series of monthly market insight sessions for startups and tech companies keen to explore the Japanese market. Through this series, we hope to highlight Japan as a potentially attractive market, and support local startups by providing market trends and insights into the Japanese economy. Each session focuses on a different sector of Japan’s tech scene, and will kick-off with an overview of trends and developments pertaining to each sector. This will follow with a short sharing by professionals with expertise in the area and close off with a Q&A session.

Find out more and register at our Event Page