One&Co | OneDotAce Session 2: FinTech in Japan

OneDotAce Session 2: FinTech in Japan

With the advancement in technology changing the way business is being done, FinTech is having a major impact on the world right now. For our second session of OneDotAce, we will explore what the FinTech scene in Japan is currently like. Speaking at this session will be Takahisa Ohira, a Member of Finovator, and Tomohiro Tagami, CEO of Techtec and President of the Japan DeFi Association.

Join us to hear about about the unbundling and rebundling in Japan’s financial scene and the growth in embedded finance. Our speakers will also talk about DeFi trends and how credit scoring is changing with blockchain. Bring your questions and pose them to our speakers!

Date: 27th August 2021 (Friday)
Time: 12.30-1.30pm

Register your interest via this link:


Takahisa Ohira | Member of Finovator

Previously the FinTech Lead, currently Head of Asia Region at Tohmatsu Venture Support Co. Takahisa Ohira’s expertise covers the financial industry, including blockchain technology. His network covers 150+ FinTechstartups and board members of Japanese 50+ large financial institution. He is also a frequent contributor to publications such as Nikkei Fintech.

You may check out his Social Media channel at:

Tomohiro Tagami | CEO of Techtec, President of Japan DeFi Association

Tomohiro Tagami founded Techtec after working for the digital art company, TeamLab, and Japanese tech giant, Recruit Holdings (the parent company of Indeed and Glassdoor). Techtec operates an education platform for Cryptocurrency and Blockchain called PoL. In early 2021, Mr Tagami founded and became the President of the Japan DeFi Association, an initiative to develop the DeFi market in Japan. His has worked with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in 2018’s Industrial Technology Survey, the Cabinet Secretariat in 2020’s Japan’s Government-Private Sector Advocating Meeting for Blockchain and the Cabinet Secretariat in 2021’s Japan’s Stakeholder Conference for Blockchain.

You may check out his Social Media channels at:
– Twitter:
– Facebook:
– Linkedin:


Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE) is the National Voice for Singapore Startup Ecosystem. ACE focuses on five pillars that are crucial for any ecosystem: Startups, Corporations, Institutes of Higher Learning, Risk Capital, and Public Sector. As the driving force behind Singapore as an Innovation Island, ACE is creating a virtual and physical space where ideas, knowledge, and capability are transformed into value efficiently. Our vision is to Advocate, Catalyse, Enable. Established in 2003 by the Ministry of Trade & Industry, ACE is supported by the Singapore government under the patronage of Dr. Tan See Leng, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Manpower, and Second Minister for Trade and Industry.

dotD is a software venture builder with offices in Tokyo and Singapore. The members of our team come from major global and domestic IT and consulting companies. At dotD, we have two core businesses: our own businesses and our joint businesses. For our own businesses, we develop B2C platforms in-house leveraging our software experiences and know-how. For our joint businesses, we help startups expand into new markets using our domain experts and local experiences

With everyone being affected by COVID-19, economies around the world has become more complex. We at One&Co, together with our partners, dotD APAC and ACE, have put together this Japan Market Insight Series in order to shed some light on this vibrant and constantly changing market.

OneDotAce is a series of monthly market insight sessions for startups and tech companies keen to explore the Japanese market. Through this series, we hope to highlight Japan as a potentially attractive market, and support local startups by providing market trends and insights into the Japanese economy. Each session focuses on a different sector of Japan’s tech scene, and will kick-off with an overview of trends and developments pertaining to each sector. This will follow with a short sharing by professionals with expertise in the area and close off with a Q&A session.