One&Co | Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for One&Co

We, East Japan Railway Company, a Japanese corporation having its Singapore Branch (“we”, “our”, “us”), collect, use and disclose Personal Information in order to operate our co-working space business(One&Co). This Personal Information will be handled in accordance with, the Personal Data Protection Act of Singapore (No. 26 of 2012) (“PDPA”), the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan (Act No. 57 of 2003) (“APPI”), and our general Privacy Policy ( and our privacy policy herein below:

For the purposes of this privacy policy, “Personal Information” includes data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified (a) from that data or (b) from that data and other information to which we have or is likely to have access to; and “Personal Information” defined in the APPI.

1. The collection and usage purposes of Personal Information

  • (1) We may collect and use Personal Information from or about you as may be necessary for the following purposes:

    • for the conclusion and performance of a contract, including provision of services/products, the management of a contract, and the after-sales service of provided products/services;
    • for the contact necessary for providing services/products (including the case of requesting delivery agencies to deliver products, etc.);
    • for providing information on services/products and other information related to our business activities;
    • for the consideration and development of services/products;
    • for the billing and credit protection of charges concerning services/products (including the case of requesting a credit company for a credit card payment, etc.);
    • for market research, and other researches or surveys;
    • for business analysis;
    • for sales promotion and other similar activities;
    • for the conclusion and performance of a contract with business partners, and the management of a contract;
    • for CSR (corporate social responsibility)-related activities;
    • for receiving and responding to your inquiries and requests;
    • for ensuring security of our customers and employees;
    • for the consideration and development of software, systems, equipment, devices, etc. to ensure security;
    • for the operation and maintenance of facilities, equipment and devices and the management and usage thereof; and
    • other purposes reasonably related to the foregoing uses.
  • (2) We may collect and use Personal Information from or about our employees, applicants, and retirees, and their families, and the like for the following purposes:

    • for recruitment activities and providing information related to recruitment;
    • for employee management (including loans and transfers);
    • for payment of salaries, etc.;
    • for benefit programs, etc.;
    • for health management, etc.;
    • for post-retirement procedures;
    • for the procedures and contacts, etc. necessary for legal requirements; and/or
    • for the procedures and contacts, etc. necessary for business operations.

2. Disclosure of Personal Information to third parties

  • (1) We may disclose your Personal Information to third parties for the abovementioned purposes stated in paragraph 1. We will obtain your consent if we use or disclose your Personal Information to third parties save where we are not required to obtain your consent under the applicable law which includes the following situations:

    • where the laws or regulations make such disclosure necessary;
    • where disclosure is required to respond to an emergency that threatens the life, health or safety of you or a third party, and when it is difficult to obtain your consent; or
    • in which there is a need to cooperate with a government organization such as a law enforcement agency or a public agency in furtherance of their duties as prescribed by laws and regulations, and when there is a possibility that obtaining your consent would interfere with the furtherance of the duties.
  • (2) We may, in accordance with the applicable law, transfer your Personal Information to our trustees of the business (including CO&CO Co., LTD, a Japanese corporation, and CO&CO SG Pte. Ltd., a Singapore corporation) for the purposes set out in paragraph 1 above. We may also control your personal information at our Singapore office. Accordingly, we may transfer Personal Information from Japan to Singapore, or from Singapore to Japan, and in such case, we shall ensure that such transfer is effected in compliance with the APPI, the PDPA and all other applicable laws.

3. Procedures of management of Personal Information

If you request for access to, correction, addition, cease usage, or deletion of your Personal Information held by us, we will deal with the request after going through the necessary identity confirmation procedures within a reasonable time period, and in accordance with the APPI, the PDPA, and other applicable laws or regulations. We may also charge a reasonable administrative fee for such a request where permitted by the applicable law. Please note that, in that event that you request for us to cease usage or deletion of your Personal Information, we reserve the right to cease our provision of services to you if permitted under the applicable law. If you wish to make a request for access to, correction, addition, cease usage, or deletion of your Personal Information, please contact us by the methods mentioned below.

4. Data Protection Officer

If you have any queries or feedback, or wish to make a complaint, related to this privacy policy or our handling of your Personal Information, you may contact our Data Protection Officer, by e-mail, or postal mail at the contact details below. Please note that we will not respond to any inquiry by way of any methods (including directly visiting our office) other than these.
E-mail (Form for inquiry) for Personal Information, etc. [email protected]
Postal mail
To: East Japan Railway Company Singapore Representative Office
4 Shenton Way, #18-04 SGX Centre Tower 2, Singapore 068807 (until August 7, 2019)
20 Anson Road, #11-01 Twenty Anson, Singapore 079912 (on and after August 8, 2019)

Cookie Policy

1. What is a Cookie?

  • A Cookie is a file created on your device when you visit a website. It contains information sent from the website you visit. By using Cookies, a website can identify your browser when you return to the same website you visited before, which makes it more convenient to use the website by skipping the input of the same information to the website.

2. Why do we use Cookies?

  • We use Cookies for the following purpose.

    • 1.1 Authentication
      We use Cookies to verify your account and keep you logged in, in order to smoothly provide our services. For example, when you are going back and forth between webpages of our online booking/purchasing website, re-authentication is not needed of your account within a certain period of time because of the use of Cookies.

      1.2 Keeping session state
      We use Cookies to keep the session state when you are visiting our websites. For example, our websites identify your browser by the session ID which is issued by the website and saved in Cookies.

      1.3 Restricting actions
      We use Cookies to restrict actions when using our website. For example, we use Cookies in a survey page to help prevent duplicated answers.

      1.4 Analytics and performance improvement
      We use Cookies to analyze how people use our websites in order to improve them. For example, we can find which webpages are most popular by analyzing Page Views, Dwell Time which are collected in Cookies, to improve the providing contents which people are more interested in. Also, we can find the websites or functions which performance needs to be improved by analyzing the response time of each webpage.

      1.5 Advertisement
      We use Cookies to improve the relevance of advertisement display of products and services. For example, our websites show advertisement of the products and services which you are interested in by analyzing the search history of our website which is saved in Cookies.

3. How we use Cookies?

We use Cookies in our corporate websites for the purpose of “Keeping session state”, “Analytics and performance improvement”, and “Advertisement”.
We use Cookies in our Material Procurement Information website for the purpose of “Restricting actions”.
We use Cookies in our online booking/purchasing website such as “JR EAST Train Reservation” for the purpose of “Authentication”, “Keeping session state”,“Analytics and performance improvement”, and “Advertisement”.
The retention periods of the Cookies we use for each purpose are as below.
  • • 1 year for the purpose of “Authentication”

    • Until browser is closed or 36 minutes for the purpose of “Keeping session state”

    • 90 days for the purpose of “Restricting actions”

    • 2 years at maximum for the purpose of “Analytics and performance improvement”

    • 90 days at maximum for the purpose of “Advertisement”

4. Consent

Authentication Cookies are used when you log in to our website.
- If you continue browsing our website or use mobile phone application, it shall be deemed that you have agreed our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy and consented to our use of cookies during your use of our service.

5. How can I disable Cookies?

You can disable the Cookies at any time by changing the settings of Cookies of your browser. How to change the settings is different between each browser. Please refer to the support page of each browser. The followings are the URLs of the support pages of browsers majorly used.

Internet Explorer:




Please understand that if you disable all the Cookies, some of the functions of a website may work improperly, services which need authentication may not be provided, and there may be limit of using services on the Internet.

6. Revision

This Cookie Policy is subject to change without prior notice if necessary. The revised Cookie Policy will be posted on our website.