One&Co | Exciting Collaboration with APT Women in Tokyo – Nurturing Female Entrepreneurship

Exciting Collaboration with APT Women in Tokyo – Nurturing Female Entrepreneurship

We at One&Co are thrilled to announce our support for APT Women, a Tokyo Metropolitan Government initiative. For the next 10 days, we’re hosting 10 incredible female venture entrepreneurs, each bringing unique and innovative businesses to the table.

APT Women is a powerhouse program designed to support female entrepreneurs aiming to scale up. It offers intensive short-term training to enhance business knowledge and skills. Beyond that, it fosters connections between venture companies and networks with essential collaborators and supporters crucial for business expansion.

Meet the dynamic ventures we’re hosting:
Clean next: Business improvement and human resource development specialized in hotel cleaning
Lumirous: Fertility and fertility treatment support and women’s health support platform
I’m La Floria: Delicate zone care brand that helps people face their bodies and get to know themselves.
NoseID: Identifies individual dogs by their nose prints, linking all information to the nose prints to build big data.
Cosme Fitter: Proposes the best solution for each person’s skin.
GACO: Transcending constraints to deliver the charm of Japanese tourism
atelier ST,CAT: Fashion semi-custom rings, a new option for wedding rings for Generation Z
Color Your Life: For all adults living in a stressful society. Night Cacao” chocolate from Thailand.
Givin’ Back: HerCarich, a comprehensive online school to enrich women’s careers
Bee-informatica: Microfinance-like credit platform using behavioral data

We’re committed to supporting their growth and are open to collaborations. Venture capitalists, media, and large corporations interested in supporting or collaborating with these entrepreneurs are warmly invited to reach out.

Additionally, Takahiko ITO, the General Manager of One&Co, is not only instrumental in designing this program but is also actively involved as an instructor and mentor, providing invaluable guidance to these entrepreneurs.

Join us in this journey of empowering female entrepreneurship and exploring synergistic opportunities!

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