One&Co | Report|On August 26, 2019, the One&Co opening ceremony was held.

Report|On August 26, 2019, the One&Co opening ceremony was held.

Japanese Ambassador to Singapore, Jun Yamazaki and Director of JETRO Singapore, Reiko Ishii at the ribbon cutting ceremony

East Japan Railway Company Singapore Office (JR East) has opened a co-working space, “One&Co”, in Singapore as a platform for business exchange on Monday, August 26, 2019.

From left, Masaaki Nakai, Vice President and Representative Director of East Japan Railway Company / NUS Enterprise, Corporate Partnership, Director Mr. Kelvin Tan / Ambassador of Japan in Singapore Ambassador Yamazaki / Director of JETRO Singapore Atsuko Ishii / Director of East Japan Railway Company Singapore Office Masahiko Aida.
Mr. Masahiko Nakai, Vice President and Representative Director of JR East

At the opening ceremony, Mr. Masahiko Nakai, Vice President and Representative Director of JR East, mentioned,“I often get asked the reason why JR East is pursuing a co-working business in Singapore. As you know, Singapore and Japan both have one of the largest economies in Asia, and we have seen local businesses from each side successfully penetrating the market of the other. Yet, we also observed that small companies and startups are unable to enter despite possessing good

ideas or products. Through One&Co, we are able to offer such enterprises a conducive space to work, build connections and cultivate collaborations, as well as obtain information that would be useful to grow their respective businesses. We hope to become one of the bridges that helps connect Singapore and Japan to each other.

Mr. Yamazaki, Japanese Ambassador to Singapore

In addition, Mr. Yamazaki, Japanese Ambassador to Singapore, remarked that One&Co provides a new platform that not only helps Japanese and local companies succeed in the Singapore market, but also provides valuable business matching opportunities. Mr. Yamazaki also expressed his excitement that organizations such as NUS Enterprise, Enterprise Singapore, and JETRO are partners of this co-working project, and further praised the great efforts made by JR East to build this innovative business framework.

NUS Enterprise, Mr. Kelvin Tan

Mr. Kelvin Tan, Director of NUS Enterprise, is also optimistic about the direction One&Co is taking. He recognises that for local companies in Singapore seeking to enter the Japanese market, One&Co offers them the opportunity to broaden their network and interaction with other industry players, as well as learn from one another. The co-working space with its lush greenery, he noted, creates an environment for diverse individuals to gather, deepen friendships, and drive collaboration in many ways. Mr. Kelvin Tan also remarked that in a world where technology has brought people closer to one another, Japan herself is a leader in technological advancements.

Following which, the ribbon cutting ceremony was led by Mr. Yamazaki, Japanese Ambassador to Singapore, Mr. Kelvin, NUS Enterprise Director, Ms. Ishii, Director of JETRO Singapore, Mr. Nakai, Executive Vice President and Representative Director JR East Japan, and Director JR East Tokyo Office.

Live art performance by Ms. Janice Wong

Ms. Janice Wong, known as one of Asia’s leading patissiers, was also invited to portray what One&Co encompassed, through a live art performance using real chocolate.

After the opening ceremony held in the morning, more than a hundred guests attended the opening event that very same evening, marking the beginning of One&Co in bridging business to one another.

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