One&Co | Invitation to Exclusive Tasting Session Ultra-premium Sake “Mujaku” to be Unleashed in Singapore!

Invitation to Exclusive Tasting Session Ultra-premium Sake “Mujaku” to be Unleashed in Singapore!

Popular amongst rice wine connoisseurs, “Mujaku” shot to global fame after Rihanna tasted it at the Armani-Hotel in Dubai and bought a few bottles to fly back home with. In Dubai and New York, they currently sell for about $8,500- per bottle. This time, 250 bottles were secured for Singapore.

*Reference article:

We would like to invite to experience this excitement on the following dates, so please contact Taka if you are interested.

・Date and time: November 22, 2022 (fire) from 16:30
・Venue: Masa Saito Restaurant – Exclusive Seating

Polished to 18% – the Ultimate polishing ratio, Mujaku boasts on honing the flavour of individual grains of the divine Isehikari Rice from paddies of Ise Jingu Shrine. Also referred to as the “miracle rice”, known for its flowery and mellow aroma, Isehikari rice is known to have had been grown since the Heisei Era in Yamaguchi Prefecture – and blessed with amazing water and “spiritual power”. Mujaku is a sake that was made with the purpose to age. Vintage rare, via long term aging, Mujaku is aged for 10 years, and unlike other aged sakes – doesn’t discolour and yet develops several layers of aromas and savoury flavours; mature, softened and mellow.

Mujaku 2022 – the Creation of Mujaku World Approaching sustainability and upcycling, Mujaku promises to transformed the used bottles by entrusting the glass to glass-artists whom will individually cut and shape the bottle – to rebirth it into a unique vase and the top into a sparrow; the symbol of Mujaku. Every bottle will continue to radiate its charm and personality for even more years to come – incorporating wonderful memories and recollections.

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